Fun & Lian Bufday 2010

Erhm, i am sorry my forgetful about this post. Ops~~~
There are 2 December Babies in Da Bian Gang.
Definitely we put them in celebration together.
We have fun always. Used to make the party as crowded/fun as possible. =)
Honestly, we lack of idea by this year. Haha Lack of creative. Hmm~~~
Rachel and me phone call for few day discuss about the celebration as 2 babies shouldn't know our plan, Crystal was busy for her final so ya.
Lastly, oriental cuisine come out finally. LOL. We get used dining at western food, spaghetti, and other cuisines but no oriental.
Sound like oriental is our back-up. LOL!
We're Chinese of course we eaten rice kay! LOL
Lot of oriental restaurant come out in mind.
Mind is stuck and confuses, except take care of 2 babies, venue, dishes, and price couldn't be neglected.
Emperor Garden was our choice, venue just nearby our place, reasonable price, everyone voted for it! So why not?

Let me introduce you our December babies, Lilian Ho.
Second, Woon Fun. She's smallest among us. Aiks.
Feel sad when talking about this because i am their 'dai ga jie' =(
We used to cheat ppl.
We cheated them this is their birthday cake, so ask them make a wish and blow candle before the meal serve. LOL. I think they trust us? haha.

I look weird in this picture. ARGH.
Crystal and me
Shark fin soup been served as our appetizer. Rachel's favorite. She keep mentioned me about the shark fin soup during phone call. lol.
Oh yeah, our dinner.
But, i not full with the dinner. I got good appetizer and big stomach maybe? LOL!
Wei, not only me can't get full okay? haha.

Ms Choo, 你的心机很重厚? XD

The waiter served the big cake after dinner.
They was surprise and shocked: huh? cake again? 3 cake in birthday? lol.

Woon Fun is so so creative.
She make this DIY card with our picture. =)
I love the card. 6 of us by pairs. Look pretty good!
Too bad she not given us, just show us nia. =.="
Aiks, i thought did receive a gift. haha.

I am not the only camera-girl on that night, there are 2 volunteers busying snapping.
Ms Choo love to snap everything, she so-called-behind the scenes. LOL

Oh yeah! I love this picture much! Shown i am shorter than others enough! haha!
This is what i wish to. =D

We're showing our ring. hehe.
Woon Fun, please stop showing your ring kay?
We beh tahan you liao! lol.

Headed to second round at Umami Cafe in Bandar Manjalara.
New found place for yamcha.
When stepped into the cafe, home sweet home atmosphere is surrounding all the times.
They started gambling and shaking. LOL

Look at them, just enjoyed much. The person sat beside me was the lecturer to lecture them theories. Bad girl. haha.
Ms. Choo.
haha. Love this. Credit to Rachel Choo.
Oh, i had forgotten to give them something during Uno-ing, gave myself an excuse to washroom but Rachel followed. Well, asked her go in while i need to make a call. She believed of course. haha.
Bingo~~! Went to car park downstairs quickly pack my stuff and go in.
They like curious while i walking in with a big paper bag. haha.
I: Please stop gaming, keep those thing away first.
They: Huh? Zomok? Mie si?
I: *angel smile* Listen to me, keep it away first.
They keep it quickly with stun face.
I: LOL! (Actually is fun to see their stun face, like :Hey, what's wrong?)
I: Are you ready? Take it out slowly, there are 6 colors i made, ask them choose one.
Stun face yet appear and questioning and answering by self while they choosing they favors colors.
Hold back to loud of laugh, get high to see their face you know.
If you wish to know how the expression is, give your friends a surprise.
They expression made me laugh, but my laugh made them curious. It's funny. LOL.

Do you guess what is this?
Asked them to guess, they like given an answer it's album. =.="
Is it hard to guess? or it's doesn't look like a calendar?
I was yet laughing, they are just :woah~ woah~ woah~ while looking the calendar.
Crystal said, she was so touched till wanna cry out!
I just haha as respond, while my face turn to her, i was OMG! What's wrong?
She really cry out! I don't know what should say, i just.....................
keep laughing! Louder than just now! LOL

I didn't brag, picture proof everything! hee~~~

Lilian also kena. Then only i start 'gan jeong', asking others 'mie si? Are you okay?'
It's so scary man!
I think they really touched by my made. =)
I proud of myself. teehee~~~
She story her feelings. Touched is only the words can be describe. =)

They paying attention to look at their calendar with those picture i put in. Each by each, ask me to explain what's the meaning in this picture of the month.

We asked to have a profile picture together ( forgotten whose idea is this).
Woon Fun
Crystal. Her eyes look gorgeous. The effect after cried. LOL
I was told this picture similar in DIY card that Woon Fun made.
After solo of profile picture, ask to choose a picture of your love.

Rachel's August pic; Woon Fun's September pic.
Lilian's July pic. I thought she will choose December's pic as love. haha.
May baby definitely choose May's pic.
I forced by them to choose only one even i love all 12 pic. hehe
My turn busying snapping around. They're gossip about others who not in our gang. Our secret. haha.

Group photo as the end =)
Hope you guys love my hand made gift.
I do appreciated the moment spent with all you.