HK Day 3

This is third day in HK and scheduled going to enter Disneyland for whole day so we can get up a bit late, done everything in a slow motion. Since the restaurant we going for breakfast s just behind our hotel, so ya barely open the eyes, stay in bed until the alarm rang and off.
Oh ya, dim sum again! I love dim sum! haha
A chance was given to try 灌汤包, the soup is so milky. Personal credited so much!
Beside the dumpling, egg tart is a must to try in HK. I don't know why, Malaysian taste is so big different with HK people. haha.

Maybe is last day in HK, we started get closed with each others. This is the best and the worst.
Especially, the hou sam uncle who lend a seat for us stick together while on the board, we almost at same table while meal. He then start asking us some question like who old are you, are you studying or working, what college you studying, which job you having right now, what course you taking as well. Is it uncles and aunts are older than us, they gain experiences more than us hence the way they speak is so humor, they know how to create a joke and everybody laugh together. I love the atmosphere, is fun, you know, you may gain some knowledge based on the conversation. It's help you grow up.
Those uncles started hard sales their child (especially those who have SONS! LOL) Lilian and me can't stop laughing while having dim sum. What a joke. haha. Others table was looking at us, they might thinking what's wrong with this table huh? We're are most noisy, and laugh much among others table. LOL Really laugh gao gao during the breakfast until get into the bus.
Hou sam uncle used to called us 'you yuan ren' (有缘人) since he stay in Malacca and we're from KL but we met up in HK.
This is what it called fate right? =)
Its always happen around us.

Oh yeah yeah yeah!!!! I'm so excited la wei!!!! Disneyland here i come!!!!
I remembered do always make noise to mum asked her bring me for disney on ice, she always busy with work, keep rejected me until i grow up and now i'm gouing by myself. LOL.
I know she trying her best earn lot of money for us, she want us to stay health and satisfied us. Mum i love you *pai seh*

We have decided wore same high cut sport shoes which bought in Sneakers street. Mr. Garry was given us Disneyland ticket while on the way to destination. Total there are four different pattern of ticket which are Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy. I was asking others lend me the others 3 ticket for picture. haha. Uncles and aunts you all are so nice!
Really, i swear, they really treat us very nice, wondering is it we're young or we have no parent coming along even Lian's dad had make an order so they treat us like their child. *happiness*

We asked for a group photo, and here we go say CHEESE~~~

Then, start to going back to our childhood. =)

Our shoes is so sharp right? Peoples whoever pass by look at us after the sport shoes. LOL.

Here is after the entrance. The train station.
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Here is the main street. High school musical, parade or others show will held at here.
We had advice by Mr. Forward watch all the drama, 3D show, and musical show before we start our outdoor game because is worth to do so and MUST! else you will regret! Taking a long Q to enter.

Picture with Mr. Forward. =)
3D show starts. Sorry peeps, you know right, we're not allowed to capture during the show. So ya.
While waiting for second show, we goes for this game. haha. Is childish i know but what to do? Sunday is just so full!
But we still looked like enjoy huh? LOL Actually we keep sweating .

Look at her sunny smile! haha
Does she look like mickey? lol. We bought this at gift shop, get extra one for Sabrina too. I forgot how much it cost, maybe around RM30++. I don't care actually since my name is on the hat. =)

Ok, rushing again for next show, erm i forgot what is the show, Mickey Golden Awards? I think so. haha.

Yeah, i tell you, super duper nice. Awesome for their performance.

Am i cute? lol. This is small small world. Sitting in a boat, visit small small world with different cultural, countries, traditional clothes, etc. I'm like going back to my childhood, lol.

Then, ran to adventure park for lion king show.Another awesome show. Never forgot the scene forever =)

We was hungry after keep running, get 2 set sandwich and extra a bun as lunch. Sitting down in front of castle. Unfortunately, drizzle start, switch places to escape the drizzle.

Parade should make it by walk due to weather problem again so ya =(

We continue go for game, car racing? lol.
This is interesting, Stich is cute. We can able look at him in the screen but he do able talk/communicate with us, he saw us! Better don't talk bad in front of him, haha. I was surprise how he did it! He can capture us! I'm like sampat keep asking how he did this, how he did that!

See? ppl taking umbrella but we nothing. Let's go and view tarzan's place.

We too are wet enough after sweating.
Night view of main street.
Everyday 8pm, they have firework on time. We bought some souvenir before the fireworks start and booked a nice place for watching. Ta-daaaa~~~

It should not be a short post but i think i lost my detail of Disneyland, so sorry for my irresponsibility. Just take a look at Hong Kong Disneyland website or you do comment for any inquiry. Thanks a lot. =)