Hi peeps, do you miss me? haha i do miss you all a lot =p
Attending Rachel's 21st birthday celebration at V1@ Bandar Puteri Puchong.
Camera must bring along when hanging out with Da bian gang because we are loving to take photo in everything, everywhere, everyone could cheers us up! hehe

Woon Fun be my driver of the night because my car was faulty and overnight at workshop, blame that stupid foreman applied a cheap and no QC gear oil and cause the gearbox death immediately!!! ARGH Mum was kind not going to blame him but he make me lost a lot wei! install a new gearbox cost me around 2k, it's fucking expensive and not worthy! ARGH. I'm still geram when talking about this T^T My car~~~
Well, we rushing to Subang for getting the birthday cake at RT bakery, and it's our choice for celebrating birthday.
Headed to V1 around 7.30pm if not mistaken. We'd reserved one week ago and they serve us with a bad service, mannerless, bad seat. WTH, we asked to change a better seat but perfunctory responds was given, if that case, then what for we make a reserve why don't us walk in? Wasting a lot of time on our effort, may i say stupid? even though i dislike calling ppl stupid. But you make disappointed and want call stupid. Sigh.
Lynn, one of our gang supposed attending but ffk in the end as she still in working and couldn't attend on time, well, an ages not see her little face =( I miss her a lot T___T

She making the cupcakes for Rachel's as a gift, don't you think is cute huh?
I love cupcakes anyway XD

This is the forth pic that we took for the same angel and smile.
She is asking to gather all the pic and compare before and after.
You could see in my fb photo if you're my friend =)

Profile pic #1

Profile pic#2

Profile pic#3

Profile pic#4

Profile pic#5

Deep fried mozzarella cheese-tasteless

mushroom soup

fish and chip

side dish-mashed potatoes

cheese baked chicken with rice

honey lemon chicken

grilled salmon

group photo with da bian gang =)
Decided going for second round since the place influence the mood seriously!
Loud speaker for k session, i want to go for k so so so long long long time ago!
Let's rock! YEAH~

I was heard she keep asking about the cake, Lilian cheated that only cupcakes available on that night, she look quite upset, haha.

Woon Fun made a cake to birthday girl, everyone will get one when birthday, this is represent we'd graduated from 20th and step into 21st life, woo, sound formal huh? lol

Anotehr profile pic#1

profile pic#2

profile pic#3

profile pic#4

profile pic#5