Station 1-Aman Puri

Came back from Aman Puri Station 1.
Because of my Ms. Lilian Ho, she want to go there for supporting her idol in Malaysia-Friendz.
Actually i knew them from Lilian as well as they are not enough famous and this is the reason why she does always support them. By the way, it is a fake reason also because she kena sot by one of the member named as Ash. Obviously he is most handsome among the gang no need more explanation sure you guys can guess the truth. LOL
Damn fucking suffer of the headache when headed to destination may be lack of sleep there few days.
Since we'd doing nothing there except listening song and chit chat over someone suggested have some game (积木 doesn't know what it called).
We're the most noisy group among others table. Non-stop laughing, screaming and fooling there.
We'd make it as video too. haha... What a funny day =)

Rainbow sister part 1
Rainbow sister part 2
Lilian's idol
Station 1...Finally we can do it... yeah