The Making Of DIY Calendar

The day before celebration, I'd busy to run around stationary shops looking for cardboard, papers, comb-bind all this and that after finish from work. Thanks for Sharon kept accompany. =)
Phew, bought lot of papers, big big cardboard to home.
Start my work after dinner.
Scissor, glue, knife,pencil, ruler is a must for me to work perfectly. hehe.
Draw out the line, then cut it, stick it, quite a long time not touch for arts. LOL.
I'm an arts student before i move to KL.
This is the pages of calendar with the picture.
Sure all you curious why must Redang pictures but not our daily pictures?
even there are 2 guys inside, just ignore okay? Them are our kuli.LOL
We're much of enjoyment and fun during this 3D2N trip.
Most of these pictures made us miss the moment in Redang.
Gosh, the scene still fresh even happened 6 months ago! haha.
Every picture i chosen contain a story and meaning behind.
Always status about how does we miss Redang when came back.
Sunny day, sunshine, the sky, seawater, sand, trees, all these natural lead us crazy!
Miss miss miss ya!!!

*P/S: Dear Da Bian Gang organizer, could you able schedule out for our next trip please?
I'm behalf of others member begging you! haha.

Hence, this is the reason what would come out for the cover.
Full with beach feel with the seashells. haha,
I spent a night and done!
Clap for myself =)

I know all you must be guessing whether is it higher cost involve, yes or no, i am not going to tell you, this is a kind of my kindness. =)
You loving it, i happy for.