Malacca@Da Bian Gang

We sat down and discussed a month ago about the time line when is the good day could fix all our schedule to cross over Malacca, answer- the weekend after my final on December.
Too bad Crystal was absented as she having final after mine. =(
We have own task during the trip, Lilian lend her car and she become the driver and asked me to drive when return, of course no problem. Rachel to be our tour guide as her mother is so experiences with Malacca historical places, Woon Fun or either me will be the treasurer but since i'm one of the drive and i don't think i can doing both at same time, suggested Woon Fun take part.
But then, there is slightly changed for the plan as Mr. Shit is going to join us gosh, how come i realized at the last minute? I'm like :OMG!!! Why huh??? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?
Well, i'm not going to drive anymore since someone is volunteer,lol, Rachel's task still remain, Woon Fun still our treasurer, then me? haha, the one who responsible to eat, play, and bising to have more durian puff to eat, lol.
Of course not, brain is useful to memorize how the way get back to hotel and not get lost. LOL
For your information, i really love last minute and not everybody get used.
Barely open my sleepy eyes in a pretty morning, get myself prepare then start pack my stuff and i done everything in one hour. Great right? lol.
They came in time, really ngam ngam. Headed then to Mr. Shit place, his area is just next to mine, quite near by the way.
Alright, is on the way to Malacca!

3 of us at seat behind. When go through to Nilai, there an accident involved caused a quite heavy traffic jams, stuck over for half an hour, environment is annoying.

Does them look like our papa and mama? LOL. Yes. they're. =)
Well, arrived around 11 am, hurry up go for chicken rice ball as breakfast, otherwise we'll exhausted.
Yum yum, starve for chicken rice ball. haha. After breakfast, we asked for assemble at somewhere because one of Woon Fun coursemate's mother going to pass us the room key and at the meantime we saw the other chicken rice ball shop having a long queue.

Their expression just funny and cute.
Ling Ling is Woon Fun coursemate and her mother is pretty kind to bring us go up to room, taught us which way to our hotel is the fastest and even been asked don't go for satay celup which need a long queue like capitol, everywhere is the same as long as you know where to go.
A big thank you to Ling Ling's mother, she very worries us can't get the hotel, where should we go for supper, and bla bla bla.
Finally, we start our 'journey' as well, visiting most of the historical places, museum, and other as well. This is my second time been Malacca, it is a food paradise maybe, remembered my first time with DIM been here, we spent almost half day in jonker street for walking, eating, and bought TOTO, LOL. That day was my birthday, i was told to try my luck and get some number. LOL.

Oh ya!!!! Still remember the uncle Lilian and me met in Hong Kong? The nice uncle! We met him at jonker street!!! OMG!!! I can't believe!!! We are just 'you yuan'. LOL
He is happy when saw us but he don't recognize me in the begin until Lilian came over. haha.

It is a must to take a picture down.

Sometime, i really hate Mr. Shit to be the cameraman. WHY? He snap everything, whatever he saw, zoom each of our face some more. ARGH, it's quite geram you know? -.-
If you don't believed, let me show you to prove that you will stand beside me. hmm.
This is the first as shown in above.

"Is this the machine for ice kacang???" I asked. They (especially Mr. Shit) : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Come on, really look like the machine what? Won't you?
This is the second. Always snap down without realized.
I love this the most. =D
Rachel gave some explanation about this historical place, we listening carefully.

My lovely pinkie shoes =DD

Third picha by Mr. Shit

After visited few places, i get thirsty and feel like only ice can cool me down. Go back to jonker street for ABC.
Wow, my durian ABC, love it most ya! Slrrrp~~~ The ice flake is just smooth and melt fast when put it into mouth. Additional make ordered for mi and snack.

Nyonya Asam Laksa
Curry mi
Nyonya Rojak
Continue our schedule for visiting, oh ya, we'd visited the Baba and Nyonya place which a famous Singapore drama 'Little Nyonya' had also came here for making the drama.

Forth picha by Mr. Shit
Ngek ngek ngek~~~
I was told by Crystal MUST come here and give a try of DURIAN PUFF.
She can just simply show me the direct location in words, and i have to give you a big hug as for bring me such pretty tasty snack! Can i say i'm a durian freak? Erm, maybe nope. Not every durian products i will like, have to depends what kind of product and the taste.
Definitely i'll love this!!! It's really tasty and nice!!!
By the way, Rachel felt fed up with me and Lilian when we decided to try this. LOL.
She hated durian so much!!!! haha.

OMG~~~~ Just can't stop myself keep buy and eat!

We're in the ship museum, those white plastic bag we carried is shoes inside. haha

Get back to hotel for rest awhile after a day outing.
Go for real Nyonya cuisine at Rasa Sayang.

Extremely starved, tired plus outside is heavy rain, COLD!!!

Sambal squid.
Curry prawn. Personally, love this because pineapple cooked together, juicy enough.
Otak-otak *my favorite*
Shop around pasar malam after dinner. Luckily rain stopped when walking
Woon Fun using my camera cam-whore. LOL

I bought lot of accessories from pasar malam, this 3 rings is just a part of it. LOL.
Cannot resist from blue, look so charm and elegant, haha.
I look like a worm, a huge worm. LOL
Sleep on the floor with sleeping bag.
Second day morning, omg my little small sleeping eyes.
We didn't go for survey and research for breakfast, too tired and hungry. So, chicken rice ball again.
Durian ABC once before we left!

Last station, went to Nadeje for thousand layers cake. I don't know why it is so well-known in Malacca. The unique of thousand layers, maybe?
Majority was voted for green tea flavors among others flavors, it is just quite okay for me.
I'd forgotten is this the original flavor,
Last one, strawberry thousand layers cake.

Thousand layers cake come with a pot of flower tea is just perfect.
Mr. Shit had ordered a mushroom spaghetti and mushroom soup, 5 of us was show our ugly face. You get me?

A relaxing tea moment.

They 2 sound like enjoying much, haha.
I'm look forward for our next trip, hopefully all of us take part.
Lilian, i know you are reading, be smart, right here waiting for your notification. haha!