
It is another shopping day i had spent with her. I never been crazy before, shop with sista for 12 hours plus without rest except lunch and dinner.
We make our day at 1U. Pick her up at Uni as usual. She brought me homemade cookies from her hometown, I'd believed she is too free stay at home. lol.
Anyway, the cookies just crunchy enough every bite of it. I feel headache when taking too much as too sweet, been like something stimulated my brain. ha. Still love her cookies much by the way, lol.

Go for Charms as brunch,
Hmm, love their decoration so much.

Simply love this picture. My hair getting longer le! haha.

She ordered a lamb charmer, something like lamb grilling.
I do love lamb much! Yummy =)

She is busy for grilling, lol, and i wait for eat. haha.
Pineapple fried rice is mine.
Overall the food just ok ok only, The taste, erm i don't know how to describe, like something is lost. haha.
She said the swing-seat look interesting and asked for a picha.
Shopped for hours,take a rest at Haagen-Dazs. Something wrong, i think my legs start to get lost! LOL!

She is so busy with her hp, keep in touch with her hubby boy, ha.
She said my skin condition getting well, oh really? thanks God i do successful!!! Yeah! Can't believe! Say bye bye to dot-dot! I don't want to see you again!
Please do not visit me kay? hehe!

Oh yeah, our ice cream chocolate fondue!!! Yum yum, really look nice sia. Unwilling to eaten.
We keep snapping and ice cream start melt already. haha.

Continue for another HOURS to shopped. Non-stop, from old wing to new wing then old wing.
Walking around whole shopping complex, like doing indoor exercise to burn calories. haha.
We like walk-in to shop one by one in search new year clothes but failed.
Get so upset and fed-up. Nothing to can do else. Disappointment =(
Shop is time to closed and we leave. Headed to Jalan 222 for dinner+supper (supposed what's called?) ,haha, no idea. Hokkien mi is must, you will able to see every table be served a plate of hokkien mi at least.
Our conversation brought misleading as her hokkien mi is two different thing with mine.
Hokkien mi in Penang is prawn mi but ours is black fried mi. They get used to called our hokkien mi as black mi, you get me? haha. Don't get confuse, just a simple thing but we misunderstanding the meaning. LOL
I told my mum, she laughed on me and her as well when we story to our family. lol.

Look at her face, i think she is so exhausted after shopped non-stop for hours. haha. So do i.
Pity her has damn morning class on second day. =(
Recently have lot of quiz and test, and our meet will be lessen.Aiks.