The second day purposely woke up early for sun rise but unfortunately the weather condition not such good. =( Well, get ready at canteen half an hour before the breakfast start! LOL Seriously 7 of us are waiting there haha... sampat~
The activities of the day as usual-snorkeling or else you can do whatever you want and like. Is quite free and relax. =)
5 of us already agreed to bring a piece nice dress for camwhore. haha This is the only chance been here with them definitely must have nice memories what haha... Camwhore before we go out from the room... Get ready!
She is the first person as model who kena snap by me... How come my hat is suit her dress? She fall in love with my hat keep wearing it LOL Here is our works and let's the picture do talking =)
We bought this long dress together at Bangkok. I love it so much! =)
Fine, capture as much picha as we can! haha