Since a monopoly company shut down their system for whole week in order to easy updating customers information hence, everything gonna stop until they reopen the system back.
As a subcontractor, can consider having a holiday. For sure, i will never missed out this good chance to rest and relax. Become efficient & effective (E&E) in sudden because i want to have a tea break with mama and sis. LOL
Headed to The Curve for high tea at Winter Warmers. Invite my mum having a tea here quite long time ago. Finally someone volunteer to treat her sis a fine high tea of course why not? *evil smile*
Personally loved the smel of tea very well, it's aromatic enough to relax your mind.
Thanks for the server recommendation. =)
Enjoyed the day so so much!
Thanks Sabrina for the treat! \(^.^)/
Jie-jie love you so much! *muackzz*